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The answer – ADAPT & ADJUST.

Changing Your Response

Discipline today can be different from discipline tomorrow. You can have a disciplined response that is correct, but just does not work well in the situation. Routines can make us comfortable. We adapt job skills all the time, but sometimes we are slow to adapt behavioral skills. Everything is changing. We have to be willing to ADAPT & ADJUST.

Recipe for Success – Right Adjustments

  • Personally & Professionally
  • Behaviorally & Technically

Emotional Resistance

We have to deal with change (Outside/inside). What are the barriers? Why do we resist?
Emotional resistance is the why. Be aware of the cause. If you are not clear on why you are resisting, you will most likely rationalize the causes. This will make dealing with your resistance more difficult. Fear is the cause of resistance. Fear of the unknown, new way, poor performance, what if? To deal with it, be honest and address it.

3 Responses

  1. Responsive – triggered by events
  2. Proactive – triggered by outcomes
  3. Transformative

Be Responsive (1st Way)

Any size counts; small adjustments have an impact. How you talk to people and how you think have an impact. When an event triggers change, focus on adjustment. Example: delayed flight, stuck in traffic.

Be Proactive (2nd Way)

Proactive response – you change to go get something. Adjust a few things to get better. I proactively make adjustments to get better! Think outcome – proactively get better. Do not coach/live on autopilot. There are many career .500 coaches out there! They are average as all get out, win 50% or bat .500.

Be Transformative (3rd Way)

Responsive = Adjust
Proactive = Reverse Engineering
Transformative = Commit to Becoming

Do not be committed to the old habits, transform. Do not be locked into “The good ole days.”
Be willing to adjust yourself. If you look back at the old you, you should be a little embarrassed! Be open to how you need to transform now and in the future.

John Perry

Resource: Brian Kight’s Virtual Class on R Factor

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