How Do I Get 1% Better Today?

The answer – By closing your rings on the Apple watch. The apple watch comes with an exercise ring that will not close without activity. My guess is it works off your heart rate and may not be 100% accurate but I know from tracking for 365 days that it works just fine.
January, I closed my exercise ring once, February twice, and March three times. After a visit to Birmingham, Al with Chris Yeager, I returned home on April 11 and missed 10 days the rest of the year. Yes, I closed 256 rings since that trip and lost 80 lbs.
The small daily habit (1%) of intentionally walking 30 minutes a day is life changing. In the process, my wife jumped on board, not at first. She has lost 45 lbs. and we love our time together each day. It gives us an opportunity to spend 30 quality minutes together no matter how busy the day or week is. Some days we just talk, some days we listen to a podcast or Christian music and we pray together at the end of each walk! She has caught the ring bug. She wants to close them daily or she is not a happy camper. And yes, she has left the house at 10:00 pm to walk up the street because she was 2 minutes short of the 30 required for that apple watch to say the all-important words, “You have closed your exercise ring.”
I would coach you to start with 14 min and 24 seconds every day (1% of a 24-hr. day) – rain, snow, sleet or shine. Will be easy! Once you establish the habit of doing it, you will naturally increase.
We not do interval jog/walk just to get our heart rate up more, since the 30-minute walk has become pretty easy. Start small. Small things turn into big things.