How Do I Get 1% Better Today?

The answer – Begin reading today.
The best time to plant a tree, 20 years ago. The next best time, today!
We all need to pull an Orville Rogers. Orville was born in 1917. Abandoned by his father at the age of 6. He attended the University of Oklahoma and became an engineer. He also learned to fly planes while in college since it was one of his two passions. The other was Jesus Christ.. Upon graduation he served in WWII and then later became an airline pilot for the next 32 years. At the age of 50 he read a book, Aerobics, by Kenneth Cooper. This turned him on to jogging. From that day forward he started running and it’s said that he ran over 47k miles from the time he started at age 50 until his death at 101. For fun, you tube – You’re Never Too Old to Run – 99-year-old Orville Rogers upset 92-year-old Dixon He
I heard a coach at a clinic 10-12 years ago talk about how he had read ‘Good to Great’ by Jim Collins. The guy had won a bunch of games so I said, I will read that one too. From that point forward, I do not believe there has been a day that I have not read first thing in the morning. I spend 30 minutes minimum and up to 2 hrs on the weekend every day. That has averaged 70 books a year, 700-900 books in that time. Life changing. Books allow you to learn from the best and learn anything you wish to know. It provides a constant story you can share with others. I have learned so much that has benefited myself, as well as my family and our teams/schools/communities.
Again, 30 minutes a day not hard and not game changing. But, 30 minutes every day for 10 years, game changer. Give it a try. Do it for 66 days and you will never stop.
PS. Part of Orville Rogers’ late passion to start jogging was his passion for Jesus Christ. He wanted to deliver Bibles to countries that did not have them in their heart language. Jogging made him more healthy to be able to do that longer. He had a WHY.
A person with a strong WHY is hard to stop! It is never too late to begin!! Get started!
John Perry
Used Craig Groeschel’s “Life Church” Podcast as a reference