One of the best things you can do is to know what your PURPOSE is.
Probably the best book or most influential book I have read is Man’s Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl. If you have not you must. I listened on a 12 hr trip to St Augustine and relistened on a 12 hr return trip from St Augustine several years ago.
The short of the long is one that has a strong purpose and meaning to live can overcome anything. If we are going to live life to its fullest we must find our WHY.
Why do I exist on this earth? A question I have asked myself on many occasions. If my reason for existence is solely to benefit me a) I will not do much good in this world and b) I will have a < than life experience. When I can have a Why that is bigger than self, extraordinary things can happen.
My WHY is to serve others and make a difference. My family, school, and community are the reason I do what I do. I want to get 1% better today so I can be the best I can be for my Family. I want to be 1% better today because the kids I coach, the school I work for and the community I live in deserve it! I want to make a difference for them.
When your reason to get up is for others, you will not let them down.
When your reason to do your best is for others, you will not let them down.
When your reason to stay late is for others, you will not let them down.