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The answer – No BCD (Blaming, Complaining, Getting Defensive)

Here we go…. If you want to be better today, cut out all BCDing in your life immediately. BCD has never solved a problem, achieved a goal, or fixed a relationship. What’s better than BCD, ANYTHING! Do anything: push-ups, read, punch a wall (although I wouldn’t recommend this) but anything is better. Instead of BCD, come up with a solution, try to fix a problem, go to work on being better. Getting better is an inside job, you don’t need to talk about others or what ifs. Do the work!

I have often said, BCD is like getting sick. When you get sick and get around others, you are still sick and now they are sick. No one is better for it. Treat people with the disease of BCD like it’s contagious (because it is) and walk away. If you’ve ever been in a teacher workroom or business break room, then you know what I am talking about.

True story. I attended the USA Coaching Clinic in Orlando, FL, in 2016. I am listening to Brian Kight speak, and he makes the statement, “If your team went 4-7, you’re a 4-7 coach.” I wanted to throw a chair at him. (In 2015 the Pearl Pirates went, you guessed it, 4-7, and I am the coach). Well, I had to think on that one for a while, weeks. I jumped into his leadership programs, and LIFE CHANGING!!

What I came to learn is, as the leader of the program, I am ultimately responsible for the results we get! Period! Good or bad, they are on me! Look in the mirror, quit blaming others, complaining about things, and getting defensive when someone tries to help—and go to work on getting better! BCD is a distraction, not a solution. Work on finding solutions to problems, seek help from others, build people up—life is better. We won the 2017 6A State Championship and went 16-0. YES, we had great players, coaches, and support, but we also did not make excuses, and it made a world of difference.

Challenge: I challenge you to go 1 day without BCD. Do not blame anyone for anything, do not complain about anything, and dang sure don’t get defensive if someone tries to help you with anything. I guarantee you it will make for a better day.

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