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Having influence is the ability to shape other people’s beliefs and behaviors as you desire. It also means you can get others to believe in you and your ideas.


  1. Ask more questions and give less directives. It’s simple – more us/we and less you/me! Ask people what they want, how they would like to work together, and what outcome they care about.
  2. Give without expecting anything in return. Always think, how can I help others? Be more energized, less stressed.
  3. Be a champion of people. 50% of all employees feel undervalued, not recognized, or rewarded for their effort. So recognize and reward others, often. Write thank you notes—sending an email is nice but not the same.

Questions to think about: Think of the 2 people who have influenced you the most in your life and answer the following questions:

  1. What, specifically, made each person so influential to you?
  2. What is the greatest lesson each taught you about life?
  3. What values did they inspire you to embody in your own life?

Most responses will relate to the following 3 things:

  1. They taught you how to think differently about yourself, others, and/or the world.
  2. They challenged you to grow in your character, connections with others, and contribution to the world.
  3. They lived what they preached. They modeled the way.

For us to have more influence, we must teach people to think, challenge them to grow, and most importantly, role model the way.

One of the things I am most proud of is the influence my wife and I are having on others right now with our health journey. It does my heart good to hear from others that we are inspiring them. How are we having influence? Modeling the Way! It’s pretty simple—be the person you would follow. Today we have a choice: get better or get worse. What’s it going to be?

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