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Master Your Mind, Transform Your Life

From rising athletes, to their parents, entrepreneurs and average people who simply want to get to their next level…. I have worked with thousands of athletes and hunderds of emerging leaders over the last 3 decades.
One constant theme through it all? The people with the most success and joy in life tap into the power of mental fitness.

As a Christian, husband, father, coach, and mental performance trainer I have experienced my share of setbacks and adversity.
That’s why I partnered with Chance Potts with One More Benefit—to share the transformative benefits of mental fitness that I experienced firsthand.

We are here to help you bridge the gap between wanting a mental edge and having the tools to put mental fitness into practice and thrive in every area of your life.

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Benefits of Mental Health Training

To become the best version of yourself so you can perform at your best, when your best is needed. Your thoughts lead to emotions which cause a physiological response in our body that influences our performance. This is a trainable pathway!

Emotional Mastery

Learning to handle high pressure situations as they unfold, play by play, case by case, across any and every domain, embracing each of these moments with confidence, grace, and enthusiasm.

Routines & Habits

Habits are things you do so frequently they do not require much thought.


When you are motivated to be your best and know why… you will commit to doing the things necessary to learn, grow, and get better at your craft.


Thoughts and negative mindsets can hurt your confidence.
Confidence is a thought, so therefore it’s a choice.

2024 Bookings Available

Book John for your next corporate event, school function, or leadership conference.

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