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THE 1%



Day 1 | Clustering

How Do I Get 1% Better Today? The answer – By using the phenomenon called “clustering”. It has been found that behaviors,attitudes, and even health/wealth…

Day 2 | Close Your Rings

How Do I Get 1% Better Today? The answer – By closing your rings on the Apple watch. The apple watch comes with an exercise…

Day 3 | Begin Reading

How Do I Get 1% Better Today? The answer - Begin reading today.  The best time to plant a tree, 20 years ago. The next…

Day 4 | Find Your Why

One of the best things you can do is to know what your PURPOSE is. Probably the best book or most influential book I have…

Day 5 | Change Your Identity

Identity = your standards and thoughts of yourself. How do you see yourself in various aspects: fitness, diet, education, occupation, etc? Crazy thing is, most times…

Day 6 | No BCD

The answer - No BCD (Blaming, Complaining, Getting Defensive) Here we go…. If you want to be better today, cut out all BCDing in your…

Day 7 | Influence Others

Having influence is the ability to shape other people's beliefs and behaviors as you desire. It also means you can get others to believe in…

Day 8 | Have Personal Core Values

When you are at your best making decisions, it’s because you’re guided by your personal core values. If you don’t know what you stand for,…

Day 9 | Have A Growth Mindset

"It's better to be interested than interesting." - Barbara Jordan 2 Mindsets Growth Mindset I believe I can improve, love a challenge, and engage with…
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